Sunday 13 September 2009

You'll all be pleased to know that Saturday in San Fran is actually not that different to Sat in London. Ivana and I went to try and get me a pair of Levi's ... not impressed by the Levi store at all they hardly had any jeans for ladies, then went to Macy's they had a slightly better selection but still not quite what I was looking for so gave up for the time being. We then went to H&M before having a late lunch and heading to the cinema to watch Inglorious Basterds which, being Tarantino was gruesome but very funny as well. We then went to a bar and sank 4 pints of Stella (yes I was impressed with myself too) before heading for a sushi dinner an bed ... great day. Sadly no photos today :-(

Today (Sunday) we are off to Castro, weather is still not brilliant but apparently is picking up tomorrow.

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