Tuesday 22 September 2009

Last day and am off to the airport in just over an hour. Yesterday, after doing my last bits of washing and packing, I met Roz after work as her and Clive had very kindly invited me for dinner and to stay the night. After a very quick BART journey and a little walk unsurprisingly involving hills we arrived at their lovely flat in Noe Valley and I proceeded to nearly scare the daylights out of the cats (Billy and Smokey) with my over excitement at seeing them ;-) After a great chilli dinner made by Clive's fair hand we watched Van Helsing which was great before heading to bed .. I shared mine with Billy and Smokey before Smokey woke me with a paw in my face at 5.40am ... ahhhh just like having Poppy here!!

So headed back to the hotel with Roz on her way to work and I packed checked out and met Ivana for a farewell lunch down at Pier 39 before one last venture to see the sea lions.

Am now ready for the next stage of my trip and looking forward to swimming in the sea but before that I have to get myself and my baggage there after only a 45 minute turnaround in LA airport ... gulp, I hope that they will check me and the bag straight through and that we all arrive at the same time, have packed emergency pants just in case ;-) Also just checked the weather forecast and whilst its 86 degrees I'm slightly worried by the strong winds and possible hail ... HAIL?!?!?! What's that about? I'm trying to remain positive.

See you on the other side folks.

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