Monday 16 November 2009

Rarotonga, Cook Islands

Kia Orana one and all from a very hot and sunny Rarotonga.

What can I say so far I am having a brilliant time. Arrived early hours of Tuesday morning which was a bit like ground hog day as I had already been through Tuesday in New Zealand. Met Sarah on the bus to the hostel and once we got there I found I had been upgraded to an ensuite room until my beach hut was ready on Thursday, RESULT!!!

After a few hours kip I was up and met Laura and Sarah (again) chatting and Laura said there was BBQ on that night NZ$10 each so we chipped in and later on went with Laura to get the food. Buses are interesting here, it is only 32km roudn the island so they have 2 buses one goes clockwise and the other goes anti-clockwise and you get one of each every hour apart from between 4pm and 6pm. We chilled round the pool for a bit when we got back before showering and starting prep for the BBQ where I met Ollie, Alex, Claire, Matt, Charlie and Smed.

Dinner of sausages, burgers, bread and salad was greatly received and washed down by quite a few cold beers (Tui) before we started on the silly games - Irish snap first followed by a drinking game called Smoke and Fire (I have the rules written down so I shall be teaching all who are game for it when I get back ;-)) The result from the whole evening for me was that every single person round the table thought I was 28 or under ... ha you should've seen their faces ;-)

Surprising didn't have a sore head the following day but spent the day chilling before walking along the beach to the Rarotonagan Hotel to use the ATM ... blimey what a walk 45 mins each way on not very pleasant sand, who needs a pedicure!! Quite evening and an early night.

Thursday Sarah and I had signed up to go diving. Jason picked us up at 7.45am and we were in the water by 9.10am at Sand River where we ahd only been in the water a few minutes before we saw an octopus and almost immediately after a white tipped reef shark. After an horus surface interval involving a very welcome hot chocolate and biscuits (the water is not warm here and I had a 5mm shortie on) we were back in the sea this time diving on a wreck who's name escapes me right now but here we met Red the hawksbill turtle and towards the end of the dive we saw a massive maori wrasse plus all the usual stuff. After Devon dropped us back at the backpackers Sarah and I went to the supermarket before catching some rays. Just before sunset (they are spectacular here) we wandered down to the Mauni Hotel where they had a n offer on cocktails and sat by their infinity pool sipping on our various sexually explicitly named cocktails and then heading back for dinner and a few more beers. Ollie, Alex, Matt and Claire left this evening.

Friday Sarah and I caught the bus round the island and stopped off at Muri beach where there is a lagoon which is nice but I have to say I have seen nicer ... lsiten to me I've been so spoilt! 45 mins round the island and we headed back to flop on the beach and chill before we got ready for our big night out. About 8.30pm we caught the bus into town and went to the 'Whatever' bar where all the drinks were cheaper at the bar downstairs and when cnofronted with this they agreed and couldn't explain why so I'm sure you can guess where we got our beers all night. After this we headed to THE club 'Rehab' where we shook our thing for a few hours before catching the last bus back at 2pm the long way round the island.

Saturday was a little subdued and we spent the day on the beach for the most part and then in the evening Laura, Sarah, Charlie, Smed and I went to the island night at the Edgewater Resort and made light work of the all you can eat buffet and then sat rubbing our sore bellies whiilst we watched the island dancers.

Today have been out for 2 more dives this morning and then tried to lie on the beach but its just too darn hot!!!

Have taken some great photos and some amazing ones of the sunsets but you will have to be patient on the photo front I'm afraid as can't upload them here.

Hope all is good wherever you are, sending you all lots of love


  1. You must be very busy - no update on Raro! No doubt too busy doing other things! Received a lovely card & Christmas card from Trevor & Fang. Have to get my act together & get some control over Christmas. Hope all is well.
    Love Jeanne & Howard

  2. Yes lady where are the updates. All I see is young men & bottles of beer in the photos ;-) Just like school days ;-)

    Sounds like you're having fun on the Facebook info & photos you're tagged in. You deserve it.

